Nový software IBM: databáze, která se sama poučí z minulých zkušeností

DB2 Universal Database obsahuje nové autonomní funkce, díky nimž plní úkoly až sedmkrát rychleji, snižuje náklady na správu a zkrátí čas strávený administrativními činnostmi až o 65 procent

Společnost IBM oznámila všeobecnou dostupnost prvního softwaru v odvětví, který bez lidského zásahu automaticky spravuje a ladí databáze s klíčovými podnikovými informacemi. Díky tomu budou firmy schopny rychleji spravovat, zpracovávat a vyhledávat klíčová data, například historii zákazníků, ceny produktů nebo dostupnost produktů, což jim ušetří čas a peníze.


DB2 Universal Database s kódovým označením Stinger nově definuje úlohu administrace databází. Přináší autonomní funkce, které umožňují organizacím dokončovat složité úkoly až sedmkrát rychleji než dříve. Zároveň zkracují čas strávený administrativními činnostmi až o 65 procent. Právě oznámená verze databáze DB2 je stoprocentní produkt IBM, který obsahuje autonomní počítačové technologie. V oblasti autonomních počítačových systémů má IBM prvenství v odvětví a v současné době nabízí více než 415 autonomních funkcí v 50 různých produktech.


Díky  novým  funkcím  databáze  DB2    nemusí správce databáze pravidelně aktualizovat   optimalizační   statistiky   pro   správný  výběr  strategie optimalizace dotazu.Technologie DB2 LEO také neustále aktualizuje statistiky dotazů o tom, jak se databáze používá, kde uchovává informace a jaký má výkon. Ve výsledku DB2 nyní dokáže vytvářet a spouštět lepší plány pro automatický přístup k datům bez zásahu administrátora databáze.


Vyhledávání informací, které v minulosti trvalo i několik dní, s využitím této průlomové technologie zabere jen několik sekund. Například typická databáze může obsahovat 1 000 dotazů, z nichž 100 může vyžadovat půldenní ladění – což má za následek 50denní zpoždění. Schopnost technologie LEO samočinně se učit a optimalizovat zkrátí tuto prodlevu na dva dny, což ušetří správci databáze více než 48 dní únavného ladění databáze a podstatně sníží celkové náklady na vlastnictví databáze pro organizaci.


Technologie autonomních počítačových systémů umožňuje vytvářet samočinně se spravující informační infrastruktury – hardware a software, který se sám dokáže konfigurovat, odstraňovat problémy, optimalizovat a chránit. Autonomní systémy se samy starají o složité aspekty správy a tak umožňují lidem soustředit se na skutečné podnikatelské problémy.


Hlavní nové autonomní funkce:


        IBM Learning Optimizer (LEO) – průlomová technologie, která umožňuje databázi učit se z minulých zkušeností a vyhledávat rychleji odhalováním nejrychlejší cesty k informacím.


        DB2 Design Advisor – první standardní funkce svého druhu, která automaticky navrhne a optimalizuje databázi. Databáze je díky tomu schopna zpracovávat dotazy téměř sedmkrát rychleji, než když je správce musí vytvářet ručně.


        Automated Maintenance – nová funkce, která automaticky provádí funkce správy a údržby, například údržbu tabulek nebo zálohování dat. Čas strávený těmito činnostmi zkracuje o 65 procent.



IBM Accelerates Availability of Critical Business Data With New Autonomic Software


DB2 Universal Database Slashes Administration Costs By Reducing Time Spent on Administrative Tasks By up to 65 percent


IBM announced the general availability of the industry`s first software that automatically self-manages and self-tunes databases containing key business information without human intervention. As a result, businesses will be able to manage, process and retrieve key data -- such as customer history, product pricing and product availability -- faster, saving time and money.


The general availability of DB2 Universal Database, code-named Stinger, redefines the role of database administration. The software delivers breakthrough autonomic computing capabilities that allow organizations to complete complex jobs up to seven times faster than before while also reducing the time spent on administrative tasks by up to 65 percent.


For example, by utilizing the latest version of DB2, ScotDB Limited -- a leading database design and administration firm -- is now able to deliver a database product that manages itself 90 percent of the time. This represents a decisive advantage for ScottDB`s smaller customers who typically have limited background in database administration and little or no technical support staff.


According to a report issued by industry analyst META Group, the introduction of autonomic capabilities into the database can reduce time-consuming tasks, such as problem solving, monitoring and tuning, by up to 80 percent. [1] DB2 addresses this key customer need by integrating autonomic features that provide an unmatched ability to reduce many of the labor-intensive and mundane assignments traditionally performed by database administrators (DBAs) freeing them to work on other projects such as application development and design.


Today`s DB2 announcement marks the one-hundredth IBM product release that incorporate autonomic computing technologies. IBM leads the industry in autonomic computing and currently offers more than 415 autonomic technology features in 50 distinct IBM products.


Autonomic computing is the technology that is building self-managing IT infrastructures -- hardware and software that can configure, heal, optimize and protect itself. By taking care of many of the increasingly complex management requirements of IT systems, autonomic computing allows human and physical resources to concentrate on actual business issues.


Highlights of the new autonomic computing features include:


        IBM Learning Optimizer (LEO) - a breakthrough technology that allows the database to "learn" from past experiences and accelerates searches by uncovering the fastest route to business information.


        DB2 Design Advisor, a first-of-its kind standard feature that automatically designs and optimizes the database; enabling DBA`s to complete query jobs nearly seven times faster than if done manually.


        Automated Maintenance - a new feature that automatically performs administration and maintenance functions, such as table maintenance or data back-ups, reducing time spent on these tasks by up to 65 percent.


These industry-leading autonomic capabilities are helping organizations such as Klaas Brant Consulting & Education B.V. (KBCE Inc.) to reduce their client`s database administration costs while cost-effectively managing growth.


"At KBCE we were impressed by DB2`s new and unique autonomic computing features which will save a company time and money," said Klaas Brant, CEO of KBCE. "The database has now become self-healing and self-tuning, freeing up valuable DBA time. Routine tasks are now automated and the new advisory software assists DBAs to make the best decisions quickly and safely."


These new DB2 capabilities mean that involvement by a database administrator is no longer required to periodically refresh DB2`s understanding of the data it is managing. The software now learns about changes in the data organization and adjusts its optimization strategies accordingly. DB2`s LEO technology also continually updates query statistics about how the database is being used, where it keeps information and how it is performing. As a result, DB2 can now create and execute better plans for accessing data automatically and without prompting the DBA to take action.


Utilizing this breakthrough technology, searches for information that used to take days, will now take only seconds to execute. For example, a typical database might have 1,000 queries, 100 of which need a half-day`s worth of tuning -- resulting in a 50-day delay. LEO`s ability to learn and optimize itself will reduce that delay to two days, saving DBAs more than 48 days worth of tedious database tuning and significantly reducing the total cost of ownership for the organization.


With today`s announcement, competing databases cannot match the level of sophistication and automation now available in DB2. For example, where other databases force DBAs to constantly tell the database how to optimize queries, which can be costly and time-consuming, the DB2 Learning Optimizer and Design Advisor tune the database on demand as the workload fluctuates, automating any changes to the database structure, as well as backups and restores.


Unmatched High-Availability and Disaster Recovery


DB2 is optimized for the rapidly growing clustered server market with industry leading capabilities in high-availability and disaster recovery including:


        Autonomic High-Availability-Disaster-Recovery (HADR) with autonomic client reroute - DB2 offers unmatched levels of fully automated high-availability, disaster recovery and client reroute for clustered environments, providing a solution that can be installed in half the time and is one quarter the cost of the Linux HA cluster solutions of other vendors.


        Advanced clustering capability -when combined with Tivoli System Automation and the Linux operating system, DB2 now offers the industries leading failover rate. For example, should a system go down it will transfer information to the backup server in less than 20 seconds - one-third the time of other vendors.


        DB2 also offers support for 1,000 cluster "nodes" - more than thirty times the maximum number of nodes support offered by other vendors.


Enhanced Performance Capabilities and Application Development


DB2 incorporates more than 200 new features that broaden support for popular application development environments and boost system performance. These new features support a wide range of emerging customer requirements for building next-generation applications including:


        Web Services Deployment - DB2 is the first database to incorporate Web services functionality within the database itself.  While access to Web services functionality has been available as an add-on, this is the first time that any vendor has embedded an application server within the database.


        Spatial Applications and Design - a new DB2 Geodetic Extender allows the database to treat the Earth like a globe, not a flat map As a result, organizations can more easily build powerful and accurate spatially enabled applications for land management, asset management or business processes that have worldwide geographical data requirements.


        Price/Performance - DB2 holds the record performance with TPC-C on an 8-way, beating the closest competitor by 16 percent in performance running on similar hardware and yet better price/performance by percent.


DB2 now holds the number one TPC-C spot on a 8-way, 16-way and 32-way space [2].

DB2 version 8.2 will be available September 17, with pricing beginning at $25,000 for DB2 Enterprise edition. For more information on DB2 Universal Database, please visit


About IBM`s Information Management Business

There are more than 60 million DB2 users from 425,000 companies worldwide relying on IBM DB2 Information Management Solutions. IBM is the only data management software vendor to provide customers with integrated solutions for database management, tools, content management, enterprise information integration and business intelligence. For more information please visit




IBM, DB2, POWER, eServer, pSeries and the IBM e-business logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. For a list of additional IBM trademarks, please see


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All other company, product or service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of others. Statements concerning IBM`s future development plans and schedules are made for planning purposes only, and are subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Reseller prices may vary.


[1] Source: "Next Generation DBA" November, 2003


[2] 8-way comparisons - DB2 UDB on IBM eServer p570 8P (8-way Power5 1.9GHz): 429,899.7 tpmC @ $4.99/tpmC available: September 30, 2004 - Oracle 10g on IBM eServer p570 8P (8-way Power5 1.9GHz): 371,044.2tpmC @ $5.26/tpmC available: September 30, 2004 - SQL Server 2000 on Bull NovaScale 5080 C/S (8wau Intel Itanium2 1.5GHz): 175,366.2 tpmC @ $4.53/tpmC available: June 30, 2004


16-way comparisons - DB2 UDB on IBM eServer p570 16P (16-way Power5 1.9GHz): 809144.09 tpmC @ $4.95/tpmC available: September 30, 2004 - Oracle 10g on Unisys ES7000 Aries 420 Enterprise Server (16-way Intel Itanium2 1.5GHz): 291,413tpmC @ $4.98/tpmC available: October 25, 2004 - SQL Server 2000 on Unisys ES7000 Aries 420 Enterprise Server (16wau Intel Itanium2 1.5GHz): 309,036.5 tpmC @ $4.49/tpmC available: January 30, 2004


32-way comparisons - DB2 UDB on IBM eServer pSeries 690 7040-681 (32-way Power4+ 1.9GHz): 1,025,4867 tpmC @ $5.43/tpmC available: August 16, 2004 - Oracle 10g on IBM eServer p690 7040-681(32-way Power4 1.7GHz): 768,839.4tpmC @ $8.55/tpmC available: February 29, 2004 - SQL Server 2000 on NEC Express5800/1320Xd c/s w/Express5800/12Rf-2 (32-way Intel Itanium2 1.5GHz): 577,530.8 tpmC @ $7.74/tpmC available: December 1, 2003








Tiskové oznámeníO společnosti IBM

Společnost IBM je největším výrobcem produktů a poskytovatelem služeb informačních technologií na světě, s více než osmdesátiletou tradicí v inovacích, které mění náš svět. Převažující činností IBM ČR je prodej širokého spektra IT technologií, tedy všech typů počítačů, zálohovacích a komunikačních systémů, a to včetně programového vybavení a služeb.

K hlavním cílům IBM patří poskytování komplexních služeb systémového integrátora a prosazování výhod elektronického obchodování do každodenního života.




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