Celebrity se připojují ke společnostem Intel a eBay při podpoře ochrany životního prostředí

PC podepsaná Robertem Redfordem a Stevenem Tylerem budou vydražena na eBay pro dobročinné účely

SANTA CLARA, USA, 17. ledna 2005 – Herec a režisér Robert Redford a zpěvák skupiny Aerosmith, Steven Tyler, se připojili k výkonným ředitelům společností Intel a eBay, Craigu R. Barrettovi a Meg Whitmanovi v „podpisu pro přírodu“ – dva osobní počítače s jejich autogramy budou vydraženy na eBay a výtěžek věnován na ochranu životního prostředí.


            Dva počítače z omezené série HP Entertainment PC vybavené procesorem Intel® Pentium® 4 s technologií Hyper-Threading budou na eBay v dražbě od 24. ledna. Výtěžek bude věnován nadaci National Cristina Foundation (NCF), což je organizace povzbuzující společnosti i jednotlivce k darování přebytečné a použité techniky školským a vzdělávacím organizacím v různých částech světa. NCF je partnerem iniciativy Rethink, nového programu, který spojuje průmysl, státní správu, ekologické organizace a komunitu eBay při řešení problémů spojených s elektronickým odpadem.


Dále pokračuje zpráva v původním znění:


            The Rethink Initiative was unveiled Jan. 6 at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where Tyler, Redford, Barrett and Whitman autographed the Entertainment PCs to support the program and encourage consumers to both “rethink” how they recycle technology products and adopt an environmentally conscious approach to disposing of old equipment.


            “As consumers purchase new and exciting technology products, the responsible disposal of old equipment is an important issue,” said Tim Mohin, Intel’s director of sustainable development. “The e-waste pile is growing high around the world, and statistics show that it runs into millions of tons annually. The auction will help raise awareness for this important issue and support the Rethink Initiative in facilitating the responsible management of used technology around the world.”


            Industry analyst Gartner estimates that in the United States alone about 133,000 PCs per day are currently being retired but only 10 percent are recycled. Promoting the responsible management of used technology since 1995, Intel initiatives in the past two years have diverted more than 500,000 pounds of used electronics from going to landfills.


            More information about the auction can be found at www.ebay.com/rethinkEPC.


About the National Christina Foundation

            Every day around the world the National Cristina Foundation (www.cristina.org) is working to ensure that used computer resources that no longer meet a company’s or individual’s needs are given a second productive life as a tool for developing human potential. Since 1985, hundreds of thousands of computers have been donated at no cost to both donors and recipient organizations, and millions of people throughout the world have been helped to lead more independent and productive lives. 


About the Rethink Initiative

            The Rethink Initiative brings together industry, government and environmental organizations to offer a fresh perspective and new answers to the challenge of e-waste. The centerpiece of the Rethink program is a Web site (www.ebay.com/rethink) that helps consumers and businesses learn about the different product disposition alternatives, such as recycling and refurbishing. Intel and eBay are jointly promoting the Rethink Initiative and working together to reach out to additional industry, government and environmental groups to help make the Rethink Initiative even more comprehensive.


About Kompolt

Kompolt (www.kompolt.com) was retained to manage the listing. Kompolt is the highly regarded “go-to” online auction agency for creating successful, high-value and high-profile promotional and charity auctions for top brand companies and nonprofits. 



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