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RE: Paypal

Tereza D  |  12. 7. 2018 11:02:26  |  Odpovědí: 5

Ano a máme tu další výhrůžku dokonce i s obrázky zatčených 😂😂😂 PayPal logo Hello Tereza ******,, It is important we know the status of the item bought otherwise, legal action may be taken against you since you have not replied to the confirmation of payment made into your Paypal account by our client. We request for the Scanned Receipt or the MTCN # to prove of the Western Union has been done in less than 48 hours and we will release the money into your Paypal account or face the consequences of LEGAL ACTION and your Paypal account will be frozen and also you will be arrested by the Authority, this is done in other to protect both the seller and buyer. We believed you entered into agreement by requesting money through your PayPal account, and by non response to the payment confirmation made to your account you have violate the PayPal agreement. However the buyer has already contacted us in other to make a report about this transaction. We are ensuring to make PayPal a safer place, therefore we need to set confidence on our users. Therefore, if your Money is credited into your account before the Pickup of the (Goods), that means the item Pickup will not be schedule. From IC3 we give you 48 hours to make the payment to the Agent Address given to you, and also send the MTCN # immediately to us for verification. Immediately we confirm the payment. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that your Paypal account has been credited. Here are some of the pictures of scam we caught last. Failure To Pay The Transport Company Fee Lead Them To This Issue NOTE: Failure to respond to this means your Name and Address will be forward to the law enforcement Agency in your Country which may result to an Arrest, because you are practicing Scam, And your Account with PayPal will be BLOCKED, In order to free yourself from this'' Send the fees within 48 hours and send the Ref# to PayPal Customer Care Department for them to Verify. If you have any comment on this issue do not hesitate to contact us.If the information you wish to provide pertains to an emergency situation, please contact us Although we check our e-mail frequently, we do not consider it to be an alternative to telephonic contact in emergency situations.Feel free to contact us directly to this mail. Thanks for your co-operation. Yours sincerely.


E-mail (nepovinné, adresa bude v zabezpečené podobě zobrazena u přezdívky):

:-D :-)) :-) ;-) :-P :-| :-/ :-( 3-[ :-O B-]

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  • Když budete vulgární.
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