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RE: Paypal

Tereza D  |  11. 7. 2018 21:07:19  |  Odpovědí: 7

No psali mě tohle: Z e-mailu: service@intl.paypal.com ale když na ten e-mail kliknu objeví se tohle: Paypal@transferterm.com (Za hello Tereza bylo i příjmení ale to jsem smazala) Hello Tereza , The Transaction can neither be DIVIDED, CANCELLED nor RECALLED by the payee Michel Paul and there is no other way to proceed with the transaction as a security measure to protect both the Seller and Buyer. We assure you that you have 100% Guarantee and Security that you will get the total amount credited into your account as soon as the Western Union information is received from you. We assure you that this is a safe and approved transaction and your account will be credited with the total amount immediately we receive and verify the Western Union details of the 7,500.00 CZK for the Shipping fee. You have our 100% assurance that this deal will go through and the payment can not be cancelled at this point. You can contact us any time if you have any question(s) about this transaction. We want you to understand that the payment can't be reversed neither can it be cancelled or divided, so we assure you that you are 100% SECURED doing this transaction. Once again be rest assured that you will have your Money, Once the Western Union Information is received from you for verification. Note: You should not send the Western Union information to the buyer, the Western Union Information should be sent directly to us for verification and then you can send the information to the buyer after your money is released into your account. We shall be expecting to read from you as soon as possible. Thanks for using PayPal, The PayPal Team. Inline image 1


E-mail (nepovinné, adresa bude v zabezpečené podobě zobrazena u přezdívky):

:-D :-)) :-) ;-) :-P :-| :-/ :-( 3-[ :-O B-]

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  • Příspěvky se musí týkat tématu otázky.
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Kdy vám můžeme smazat příspěvek?

  • Když budete vulgární.
  • Když budete slovně útočit na ostatní.
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