» Poradna » Zpět na dotaz

Moc prosim prelozit

Marek  |  14. 8. 2007 15:55:25  |  Odpovědí: 6

Prosím je tu niekto kto by mi toto prelozil?
ak by sa niekto taký dobrý našiel pošlite mi to prosím na mail: marekk.o@centrum.sk
alebo sem
vopred MOC ďakujem.

//ENGLISH Language file by AusiMods (Lloyd) @ ausimods.com
$locale['ARC000'] = "Fusion Arcade";//infusion.php - Title
$locale['ARC001'] = "Flash Games Arcade for PHP-Fusion 6";//infusion.php - Description
$locale['ARC002'] = "Arcade";//infusion.php - Link Text

$locale['ARC003'] = "Page Number ";
$locale['ARC004'] = "out of";
$locale['ARC005'] = "HISCORE ADMIN";
$locale['ARC006'] = "Success";
$locale['ARC007'] = "Failure";
$locale['ARC009'] = "Game Name";
$locale['ARC010'] = "Action";
$locale['ARC011'] = "DELETE";
$locale['ARC012'] = "Arcade";
$locale['ARC013'] = "There are";//this many games
$locale['ARC014'] = "Games Available in";//this many categories
$locale['ARC015'] = "categories";
$locale['ARC016'] = "Latest Games";
$locale['ARC017'] = "Ladder";
$locale['ARC018'] = "Top Ten";
$locale['ARC019'] = "Sub-Categories";
$locale['ARC020'] = "Hello";
$locale['ARC021'] = "Arcade2 Latest Games";
$locale['ARC022'] = "Most popular";
$locale['ARC023'] = "\"Edit\"";
$locale['ARC024'] = "\"Delete\"";
$locale['ARC025'] = "Category Games";
$locale['ARC026'] = "Add New Game";
$locale['ARC027'] = "Category";
$locale['ARC028'] = "Select Category";
$locale['ARC029'] = "Game Title";
$locale['ARC030'] = "Game Description";
$locale['ARC031'] = "Maximum text";
$locale['ARC032'] = "player hi-score";
$locale['ARC033'] = "Icon File";
$locale['ARC034'] = "characters";
$locale['ARC035'] = "Game File";
$locale['ARC036'] = "Reward";
$locale['ARC037'] = "Bonus";
$locale['ARC038'] = "Next";
$locale['ARC039'] = "Yes";
$locale['ARC040'] = "No";
$locale['ARC041'] = "Add This Game";
$locale['ARC042'] = "Game Control";
$locale['ARC043'] = "Mouse";
$locale['ARC044'] = "Keyboard";
$locale['ARC045'] = "Analize";
$locale['ARC046'] = "ERROR";
$locale['ARC047'] = "You Must Define a category!";
$locale['ARC048'] = "You Must Define a Title!";
$locale['ARC049'] = "You Must Define a description!";
$locale['ARC050'] = "Your Description Text Is too Long!";
$locale['ARC051'] = "Results";
$locale['ARC052'] = "Current Games";
$locale['ARC053'] = "Manage";
$locale['ARC054'] = "off";//panels off or on in top-ten
$locale['ARC055'] = "Name";
$locale['ARC056'] = "Low Ten";
$locale['ARC057'] = "Status";
$locale['ARC058'] = "Category";
$locale['ARC059'] = "Files";
$locale['ARC060'] = "W x H";
$locale['ARC061'] = "Inactive";
$locale['ARC062'] = "Active";
$locale['ARC063'] = "Update";
$locale['ARC064'] = "Delete";
$locale['ARC065'] = "Delete All Games";
$locale['ARC066'] = "Reward";
$locale['ARC067'] = "Bonus";
$locale['ARC068'] = "Reverse Score";
$locale['ARC069'] = "Yes";
$locale['ARC070'] = "No";
$locale['ARC071'] = "Inactive";
$locale['ARC072'] = "Active";
$locale['ARC073'] = "Analize";
$locale['ARC074'] = "Select File";
$locale['ARC075'] = "Test Results";
$locale['ARC076'] = "Width";
$locale['ARC077'] = "Height";
$locale['ARC078'] = "Bytes";
$locale['ARC079'] = "File upload has failed.";
$locale['ARC080'] = "File upload of file type";
$locale['ARC081'] = "was sucessfull";
$locale['ARC082'] = "File Removed";
$locale['ARC083'] = "File Uploads";
$locale['ARC084'] = "Upload Game Icon:";
$locale['ARC085'] = "Upload Flash File:";
$locale['ARC086'] = "Upload";
$locale['ARC087'] = "File Manager";
$locale['ARC088'] = "Game Icons";
$locale['ARC089'] = "Preview";
$locale['ARC090'] = "Flash Files";
$locale['ARC091'] = "Delete";
$locale['ARC092'] = "Category Icons";
$locale['ARC093'] = "Upload Category Icon:";
$locale['ARC094'] = "This will pernamently remove all games from the arcade";
$locale['ARC095'] = "Please select the category you want the additional games loaded to and the status the game should be loaded at.
You can also optionally enter a global description that will be added to all games.";
$locale['ARC096'] = "Private";
$locale['ARC097'] = "Current";
$locale['ARC098'] = "Parent";
$locale['ARC099'] = "Start Loader";
$locale['ARC100'] = "Installation log for games";
$locale['ARC101'] = "loaded";
$locale['ARC102'] = "to";
$locale['ARC103'] = "Game Loading is completed";
$locale['ARC104'] = "Next";
$locale['ARC105'] = "Previous";
$locale['ARC003'] = "Page Number ";
$locale['ARC004'] = "out of";
$locale['ARC105'] = "Previous";
$locale['ARC106'] = "Total Number of Games:";
$locale['ARC107'] = "Continue";
$locale['ARC108'] = "No groups available";
$locale['ARC109'] = "Played";
$locale['ARC110'] = "Manager";
$locale['ARC111'] = "Category Manager";
$locale['ARC112'] = "Add Game";
$locale['ARC113'] = "Utilities";
$locale['ARC114'] = "File Manager";
$locale['ARC115'] = "User Group For private access";
$locale['ARC116'] = "View By Game by selecting";
$locale['ARC117'] = "Your Game";
$locale['ARC118'] = "Game";
$locale['ARC119'] = "Player";
$locale['ARC120'] = "Score";
$locale['ARC121'] = "Date";
$locale['ARC122'] = "Gaming Ladder";
$locale['ARC123'] = "Placing";
$locale['ARC124'] = "Create Main Category";
$locale['ARC125'] = "Title ";
$locale['ARC126'] = "Add";
$locale['ARC127'] = "Create Subcategory";
$locale['ARC128'] = "Modify Category";
$locale['ARC129'] = "Category";
$locale['ARC130'] = "Modify";
$locale['ARC131'] = "ERROR!!!";
$locale['ARC132'] = "Title empty";
$locale['ARC133'] = "The category was succesfully modified";
$locale['ARC134'] = "The category was succesfully deleted";
$locale['ARC135'] = "WARNING !";
$locale['ARC136'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this Category?";
$locale['ARC137'] = "All subcategories and classifieds under this category will be deleted too!";
$locale['ARC138'] = "Yes";
$locale['ARC139'] = "No";
$locale['ARC140'] = "The Category";
$locale['ARC141'] = "already exists!";
$locale['ARC142'] = "The category was succesfully created";
$locale['ARC143'] = "The subcategory";
$locale['ARC144'] = "The subcategory was succesfully created";
$locale['ARC145'] = "Delete";
$locale['ARC146'] = "Active";
$locale['ARC147'] = "InActive";
$locale['ARC148'] = "Status";
$locale['ARC149'] = "description";
$locale['ARC150'] = "image";
$locale['ARC151'] = "No Categorys defined";
$locale['ARC152'] = "Top Level";
$locale['ARC153'] = "Private Collection";
$locale['ARC154'] = "Optimize the score table";
$locale['ARC155'] = "This will not clear main score tables";
$locale['ARC156'] = "Administrative utilities";
$locale['ARC157'] = "The utilities offered on this page are to assist you in the upkeep of your arcade system.
Changes made here are instantly applied site wide and can not be reversed.";
$locale['ARC158'] = "Clear High Scores";
$locale['ARC159'] = "Reset Play Count";
$locale['ARC160'] = "Manage the highscores";
$locale['ARC161'] = "Auto Game Loader";
$locale['ARC162'] = "Optimize the games table";
$locale['ARC163'] = "Turn Games";
$locale['ARC164'] = "Off";
$locale['ARC165'] = "On";
$locale['ARC166'] = "Previous";
$locale['ARC167'] = "AusiMods Agreement";
$locale['ARC168'] = "Instruction";
$locale['ARC169'] = "GPL Licence";
$locale['ARC170'] = "Score Table reset failed";
$locale['ARC171'] = "Scores Cleared";
$locale['ARC172'] = "High Score reset failed";
$locale['ARC173'] = "Games Table has been optimised";
$locale['ARC174'] = "Play Count reset failed";
$locale['ARC175'] = "Play Count reset";
$locale['ARC176'] = "All Games, Scores, Comments and ratings have been removed";
$locale['ARC177'] = "Private";
$locale['ARC178'] = "Games Set To Private";
$locale['ARC179'] = "Makeing Game Private Failed";
$locale['ARC180'] = "Games Deactivation failed";
$locale['ARC181'] = "Games Deactivated";
$locale['ARC182'] = "Games Activation failed";
$locale['ARC183'] = "Games Activated";
$locale['ARC184'] = "Auto Loader";
$locale['ARC185'] = "Thankyou for playing";
$locale['ARC186'] = "Congratulations";
$locale['ARC187'] = "Your score of";
$locale['ARC188'] = "was not good enough to beat the current highscore";
$locale['ARC189'] = "for this game";
$locale['ARC190'] = "gold coins have been paid to your account";
$locale['ARC191'] = "Score Table has been optimised";
$locale['ARC192'] = "Current Ladder For";
$locale['ARC193'] = "Options";
$locale['ARC194'] = "Play Again";
$locale['ARC195'] = "Arcade Home";
$locale['ARC196'] = "Site Entry";
$locale['ARC197'] = "you hold the highest score";
$locale['ARC198'] = "CLOSE WINDOW";
$locale['ARC199'] = "reward";
$locale['ARC200'] = "Bonus";
$locale['ARC201'] = "Played";
$locale['ARC202'] = "Best score";
$locale['ARC203'] = "Comments";
$locale['ARC204'] = "Best Player";
$locale['ARC205'] = "Play In New Window";
$locale['ARC206'] = "Back To Browseing";
$locale['ARC207'] = "Play";
$locale['ARC208'] = "You cant afford to play";
$locale['ARC209'] = "gold coins have been deducted from your account";
$locale['ARC210'] = "Your message has been sent to the site admin";
$locale['ARC211'] = "This selection of games is within your price range";
$locale['ARC212'] = "Cost";
$locale['ARC213'] = "Cost To Play";
$locale['ARC214'] = "Best Player";
$locale['ARC215'] = "Last Played";
$locale['ARC216'] = "Play Normal";
$locale['ARC217'] = "Play";
$locale['ARC218'] = "Guest Players Name";
$locale['ARC219'] = "Set A Competition";
$locale['ARC220'] = "Search for Games";
$locale['ARC221'] = "Your Actions have activated the AutoBan feature";
$locale['ARC222'] = "All Active Games";
$locale['ARC223'] = "By Best Player";
$locale['ARC224'] = "By Game Title";
$locale['ARC225'] = "Keyword";
$locale['ARC226'] = "Please select an Player";
$locale['ARC227'] = "Case Sensitive";
$locale['ARC228'] = "Search returned";
$locale['ARC229'] = "result(s)";
$locale['ARC230'] = "This feature has been put in place to protect other players from people who cheat
Maybe you have a perfect reason for this happening to you? If so i am certainly happy to hear it.";
$locale['ARC231'] = "Submit";
$locale['ARC232'] = "Game search";
$locale['ARC233'] = "Submit Search";
$locale['ARC234'] = "OR";
$locale['ARC235'] = "I got Banned";
$locale['ARC236'] = "No Game selected for viewing";
$locale['ARC237'] = "This game is under competion control";
$locale['ARC238'] = "New Comment";
$locale['ARC239'] = "Allready Voted";
$locale['ARC240'] = "Arcade Configuration";
$locale['ARC241'] = "How many games on the front entry";
$locale['ARC242'] = "How Many Games Per Page";
$locale['ARC243'] = "How many Games in the new games list";
$locale['ARC244'] = "How many games in the search results";
$locale['ARC245'] = "Maximum Text for the Game Description";
$locale['ARC246'] = "Allow users to comment on games";
$locale['ARC247'] = "Allow users to vote on games";
//$locale['ARC248'] = "Allow the use of popup game windows";
$locale['ARC249'] = "Use Auto Ban For Suspected Cheats";
$locale['ARC250'] = "Only Members may play";
$locale['ARC251'] = "Use the user gold system";
$locale['ARC252'] = "Use the pay to play system";
$locale['ARC253'] = "Save Configuration";
$locale['ARC254'] = "The following error has occured and your score was not recorded";
$locale['ARC255'] = "Click here";
$locale['ARC256'] = "to return to the arcade";
$locale['ARC257'] = "Ratings";
$locale['ARC258'] = "The game name was not sent";
$locale['ARC259'] = "The score was not sent";
$locale['ARC260'] = "Send admin a pm on suspected cheat?";
$locale['ARC261'] = "Private message system used on site";
$locale['ARC262'] = "Enhanced";
$locale['ARC263'] = "Standard";
$locale['ARC264'] = "Send a warning to suspected cheaters";
$locale['ARC265'] = "Ban Suspected players instantly?";
$locale['ARC266'] = "The message text sent on suspected cheating";
$locale['ARC267'] = "1hr";
$locale['ARC268'] = "24hrs";
$locale['ARC269'] = "Week";
$locale['ARC270'] = "Month";
$locale['ARC271'] = "Year";
$locale['ARC272'] = "Once Only";
$locale['ARC273'] = "every time they play";
$locale['ARC274'] = "The competition has begun!!";
$locale['ARC275'] = "The following competition is sponsered by";
$locale['ARC276'] = "The game";
$locale['ARC277'] = "has been locked to competition mode until";
$locale['ARC278'] = "Players will be accepted";
$locale['ARC279'] = "From this page you are able to setup a new game for competition
The game will be scored seperately with the current winner.
Other than that there will be no difference.";
$locale['ARC280'] = "The Game To Use";
$locale['ARC281'] = "The Expiry date";
$locale['ARC282'] = "Allow Multiple Attempts";
$locale['ARC283'] = "Competition Details";
$locale['ARC284'] = "Formating";
$locale['ARC285'] = "Warning";
$locale['ARC286'] = "On submission your selections will replace the current competition and the comptition will start imediately.";
$locale['ARC287'] = "Start Competition";
$locale['ARC288'] = "arcade hiscore pm";
$locale['ARC289'] = "Entry Accepted";
$locale['ARC290'] = "Your Score";
$locale['ARC291'] = "Has been entered";
$locale['ARC292'] = "Thankyou for taking Part";
$locale['ARC293'] = "Competition Sponser";
$locale['ARC294'] = "Single Attempt";
$locale['ARC295'] = "Multiple Attempts";
$locale['ARC296'] = "Form Incomplete";
$locale['ARC297'] = "Select Expiry";
$locale['ARC298'] = "Select Mode";
$locale['ARC299'] = "Select Game";
$locale['ARC300'] = "Click OK to continue!";
$locale['ARC301'] = "Please Select";
$locale['ARC302'] = "Disabled";
$locale['ARC303'] = "This description will be added to every selected game";
$locale['ARC304'] = "You must select a category!!";
$locale['ARC305'] = "ERROR";
$locale['ARC306'] = "The permissions on ";
$locale['ARC307'] = "are incorrect";
$locale['ARC308'] = "Current Group";
$locale['ARC309'] = "list_games";
$locale['ARC310'] = "Arcade Statistics";
$locale['ARC311'] = "Least Popular";
$locale['ARC312'] = "Lowest Scores";
$locale['ARC313'] = "Oldest Games";
$locale['ARC314'] = "Failed to upgrade bonus";
$locale['ARC315'] = "All games now have a bonus of";
$locale['ARC316'] = "Failed to upgrade reward";
$locale['ARC317'] = "All games now have a reward of";
$locale['ARC318'] = "Failed to update play cost";
$locale['ARC319'] = "All games now have a play cost of";
$locale['ARC320'] = "Reset Bonus";
$locale['ARC321'] = "Reset Reward";
$locale['ARC322'] = "Reset Play Cost";
$locale['ARC323'] = "Set Global bonus to";
$locale['ARC324'] = "Set Global Reward to";
$locale['ARC325'] = "Set Global Play Cost to";
$locale['ARC326'] = "Back to the Utilities menu";
$locale['ARC327'] = "Delete All Games";
$locale['ARC328'] = "All games and scores will be removed";
$locale['ARC329'] = "Click OK to continue!";
$locale['ARC330'] = "Active Categories";
$locale['ARC331'] = "Inactive Categories";
$locale['ARC332'] = "Private Categories";
$locale['ARC333'] = "Sub Categories";
$locale['ARC334'] = "Main Categories";
$locale['ARC335'] = "Active Games";
$locale['ARC336'] = "Inactive Games";
$locale['ARC337'] = "Private Games";
$locale['ARC338'] = "Played Games";
$locale['ARC339'] = "Unplayed Games";
$locale['ARC340'] = "Game Comments";
$locale['ARC341'] = "Game Ratings";
$locale['ARC342'] = "Game Score Time Safty";
$locale['ARC343'] = "This score has not been gained within the given cooling off period";
$locale['ARC344'] = "Playing to fast dont pay";
$locale['ARC248'] = "Select the window system to play in";
$locale['ARC345'] = "Popup Only";
$locale['ARC346'] = "Screen Only";
$locale['ARC347'] = "Screen & Popup";
$locale['ARC348'] = "Back";
$locale['ARC349'] = "Arcade Categories";

$locale['ARC350'] = "Reset Private Games";
$locale['ARC351'] = "This will set all games in private categories to status 2 (private)";
$locale['ARC352'] = "Continue with status alterations?";
$locale['ARC353'] = "";
$locale['ARC354'] = "";
$locale['ARC355'] = "";
$locale['ARC356'] = "";
$locale['ARC357'] = "Score Beaten";//prefixed by game name
$locale['ARC358'] = "Was taken by";//gamename score "was taken by" username with score
$locale['ARC359'] = "with";//gamename score was taken by username "with" score

//Center Panel Function # center_panel()
$locale['ARC903'] = "Most Popular";
$locale['ARC904'] = "No Scores";
$locale['ARC905'] = "Never";
$locale['ARC906'] = "Newest Game";
$locale['ARC907'] = "Play";
$locale['ARC908'] = "Random Game";
$locale['ARC909'] = "Current Competition";
$locale['ARC910'] = "UnPlayed";
$locale['ARC911'] = "No-One";
$locale['ARC912'] = "Current Top Score";
$locale['ARC913'] = "Current Leader";
$locale['ARC914'] = "Competitors";
$locale['ARC915'] = "Expires";
$locale['ARC916'] = "The last Competition ended at";
$locale['ARC917'] = "No Competition is available";



E-mail (nepovinné, adresa bude v zabezpečené podobě zobrazena u přezdívky):

:-D :-)) :-) ;-) :-P :-| :-/ :-( 3-[ :-O B-]

Pravidla diskuzí v Poradně webu Živě.cz

Zasláním příspěvku do Poradny souhlasíte s těmito pravidly:

  • Podmínky užívání služby informační společnosti
  • Informace o zpracování osobních údajů
  • Příspěvky se musí týkat tématu otázky.
  • Příspěvky nesmí obsahovat vulgární výrazy a slovní útoky na jiné osoby. Příspěvky nesmí poškozovat web Živě.cz ani jeho provozovatele.
  • Je zakázáno vkládat do příspěvků odkazy na stránky nabízející obsah porušující autorská a jiná práva.
  • Příspěvky nelze využívat k propagaci.
  • Příspěvky, které porušují pravidla diskuzí, budou odstraněny. Případně budou upraveny tak, aby neporušovaly pravidla diskuzí. V textu bude následně uvedeno, že příspěvky byly ze strany moderátorů upraveny.
  • Právo moderovat Poradnu mají pouze zástupci vybraní redakcí Živě.cz. Základní kontrola příspěvku probíhá ještě před jeho zveřejněním.
  • Živě.cz je soukromý web a provozovatel má při řešení sporů, které se týkají příspěvků v Poradně, vždy konečné slovo.

Kdy vám můžeme smazat příspěvek?

  • Když budete vulgární.
  • Když budete slovně útočit na ostatní.
  • Když se nebudete držet tématu dotazu.
  • Když budete poradnu zneužívat pro reklamu.
  • Když záměrně zneužijete cizí přezdívku.
  • Když budete porušovat zákony.
  • A když budete na takové příspěvky reagovat, protože se vždy mažou včetně odpovědí ve stromu.