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Inno Setup script zapisu do souboru

 | Microsoft Windows 7 Firefox 57.0

Dobry den,delam instalacni skript v Inno Setup a potrebuji pri instalaci vytvorit soubor txt s udaji co zadam do vyplnenych bunek pri instalaci. Pouzil jsem tento vzor z internetu:#define MyAppURL "http://www.example.com/"[Setup]; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)AppId={{0BF62679-51B7-47A2-9E5F-D5D0AE6FBC52}AppName={#MyAppName}AppVersion={#MyAppVersion};AppVerName={#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion}AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher}AppPublisherURL={#MyAppURL}AppSupportURL={#MyAppURL}AppUpdatesURL={#MyAppURL}DefaultDirName=D:\msgbox\{#MyAppName}DefaultGroupName={#MyAppName}DisableProgramGroupPage=yesOutputDir=D:\msgboxOutputBaseFilename=setupCompression=lzmaSolidCompression=yes[Languages]Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"[Code]var Page: TInputQueryWizardPage; username: String; password: String;procedure InitializeWizard;begin { Create the page } Page := CreateInputQueryPage(wpWelcome, 'Username & Password', 'Username like : e201600', 'Please enter your username and password.'); { Add items (False means it's not a password edit) } Page.Add('Username:', False); Page.Add('Password:', True); { Set initial values (optional) } Page.Values[0] := ExpandConstant('hello5'); Page.Values[1] := ExpandConstant(''); { Read values into variables } Ukázat celý příspěvek

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Související témata: USERNAME, Page, Password, Setup, False, Filename, LZMA, Languages, Inside, Vzor