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Falešný Paypal účet

Lukáš Vašek  |  4. 11. 2018 13:51:35  |  Odpovědí: 23

Zdravím, rád bych se zeptal. Měla mi přijít platba od jedné ženy za zboží, které jsem inzeroval. Jednalo se o platbu za předmět + dopravu. Ale píše mi to : Payment On Hold-- Western Union Receipt Of Payment Needed To Complete The Transaction To Your Account Instantly. Jednoduše, email mne žádá abych zaplatil částku za dopravu přes Western union určité osobě a poté odeslal fotku, scan o platbě zpět na tento email aby byla částka připsána na účet. Ale celá tahle věc mi hodně smrdí. Za 1) Email má na konci mezeru, která je poznat pouze při jeho kopírování : paypal@paymentdpt.co.uk 2) na internetu jsem četl že Paypal od vás nikdy nebude chtít úhradu přes jinou službu. Celý email vypadá přibližně takhle : Hello Lukus, Ingrid Young Sent you 23,000.00 CZK PayPal confirms that you have received an instant Payment of 23,000.00 CZK from Ingrid Young via PayPal Secure MERCHANDISE Payment service. Transaction Details Transaction ID: ------------------------- Money Received NOTE FROM PAYPAL SECURE PAYMENT SERVICE: Read and follow the details of the payment below for the transaction to be completed to your account instantly. Cheers. Status: Payment On Hold-- Western Union Receipt Of Payment Needed To Complete The Transaction To Your Account Instantly. Kingly find the details of the Pending Transaction below Merchandise Amount 14,500.00 CZK Transport Fees 8,500.00 CZK Total Amount Description 23,000.00 CZK Goods purchased Transfer Current Percentage To Be Done: 99% Once the money's in your PayPal account, You Can: •Withdraw it from your bank account. •Transfer the money to a credit card. •You can spend the money online at thousands of shop that accept PayPal. The above money that was transferred to you by Ingrid Young has been fully deducted from the payee's account which includes the Delivery Charges and is ready to be transferred into your account, But before the transaction can be finalised you would have to pay the Delivery fees to the courier agent details below This is a secure procedure to protect both the buyer and seller involved in this transaction Don't see the money in your PayPal account? Don't Worry-- In order to complete this transaction and get the full funds credited into your account, you need to proceed to any Western Union outlet around you and transfer the additional money which is sum of 8,500.00 CZK to the courier agent details below and send us a Scanned Copy/Photograph of your Western Union Transfer Receipt or Payment Details From the Western Union by replying back to this email for the full protection of the transaction. Below is a step by step guide on how to make the transfer via Western Union: •Go to any nearest Western Union outlet around you and request a Western Union Sending Form. •Write the receiver's Name and Country provided below •Receive Option By The Receivers Should Be: Cash Pickup •Pay with Cash or Credit Card. •You'll get a receipt after completed the payment. Attach and email a scanned copy of the receipt to us or write the details on the receipt such as the Sender's Name; Sender's Address & MTCN Number or Reference Number. Transport Agent Details The only details you need for the payment via the Western Union or MoneyGram below; •Name: ZORNITSA ********* •Postal Code: 1000 •City: SOFIA •Country: BULGARIA Please Note: You can use Western Union or MoneyGram to make the transfer and the transfer charges will be added to your account with the full fund. The Western Union or MoneyGram receipt should be sent to us by replying back to this email for the accreditation of your account without any further delay and For the full protection of this transaction. You may contact us by replying back to this email if you have any question Thank you for using PayPal Secure Payment Service Yours Sincerely Payment Team.


E-mail (nepovinné, adresa bude v zabezpečené podobě zobrazena u přezdívky):

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