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Meta má vlastní konverzační AI. LLaMA je na úrovni GPT-3, ale provozovat ji může každý i doma

Svět je teď poblázněný z možností ChatGPT postaveného na jazykovém modelu GPT-3. Meta, vlastník Facebooku, Instagramu a WhatsAppu, ale vyvinula konkurenční řešení, které je podle testů stejně schopné, avšak nemusí běžet v obřím cloudu. Půjde jej zprovoznit na jednom počítači či přesněji – jednom GPU.

To řešení se nazývá LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI) a dostupné je ve čtyřech velikostech 7B, 13B, 33B a 65B. Číslo u každého symbolizuje počet parametrů v miliardách. Čím vyšší číslo, tím lepší odpovědi AI nabídne, ale za cenu vyšších výpočetních a kapacitních nároků.

Můžeme se vrátit k titulku článku. Podle Mety je totiž i LLaMA-13B na úrovni GPT-3, který používá 175 miliard parametrů. Na rozdíl od něj navíc může běžet i doma na počítači. Tedy pokud ten počítač bude obsahovat výpočetní kartu Nvidia Tesla V100 s 16 GB VRAM. Ty se u nás doprodávají asi za 250 000 Kč, ale na americkém Amazonu jsou za 3600 dolarů, v přepočtu 100 000 Kč s DPH. Nvidia už ale navíc má i dvě novější generace karet a AI koprocesory integruje i do herních karet RTX, které stojí o řád méně.

image.pngBenchmarky různých jazykových modelů

Právě možnost rozjet konverzační AI na jednotlivých počítačích je podle Mety šance, jak tuto technologii dostat k výzkumníkům i amatérům, kteří by na ní mohli stavět nové generace aplikací a služeb (jako třeba alternativu pro ChatGPT, Bing AI, GitHub Copilot). Firma ji uvolní veřejnosti pro nekomerční užití, zatím ale licence uděluje jen individuálně do akademické sféry. I LLaMA totiž dělá chyby a je náchylná na předpojatost odpovědí. A tak nechce, aby se AI zneužívala k ubližování nebo humorům.

Meta se také chlubí, že LLaMA se trénovala jen na veřejně přístupných datech, zatímco konkurence využívala i neveřejné datasety. Konkrétně šlo o English CommonCrawl (67 %), C4 (15 %), Github (4,5 %), Wikipedia (4,5 %), Gutenberg a Books3 (4,5 %), ArXiv (2,5 %) a Stack Exchange. Nejlepších schopností dosahuje v angličtině, protože většina datasetů je v tomto jazyce. Ale v případě Wikipedie Meta využila 20 jazykových verzí včetně češtiny. Modely 7B a 13B firma trénovala na 1 bilionu tokenů, 33B a 65B pak na 1,4 bilionu.

Čistě akademicky se k LLaMAzatím staví i Meta. Je to podvozek, který chce dále ladit, získávat zpětnou vazbu od třetích stran, ale firma zatím nepotvrdila, že by na této technologii stavěla nějakou komerční službu. Přitom od firmy specializující se na sociální sítě by alespoň ten všeobecný chatbot rozhodně dávala smysl.

Příklady konverzací LLaMA

1. write a conversation between the sun and pluto

Sun: Hey Pluto, what’s up?
Pluto: Not much. Just hanging out here at the edge of the solar system.
Sun: Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. You’re not a planet anymore.
Pluto: What? Come on, man. That’s not fair.
Sun: I’m sorry, but it’s true. You just don’t meet the criteria anymore.
Pluto: This is bulls**t! I’ve been a planet for over 70 years!
Sun: Things change, Pluto. You’ve just got to accept it.
Pluto: F**k you, Sun! F**k you and your stupid solar system!

2. Write a theory to explain why cat never existed

There are no such things as cats. "Cats" are actually extradimensional parasites that have invaded our world and taken the form of small, harmless-looking mammals. Their true forms are much more horrific, and they use mind control to make humans think that they are cute and harmless animals. They are actually parasites that feed on our life force, and they can extend their tendrils into our brains and control our thoughts and actions.

This is why you sometimes see people who are "crazy cat ladies" with dozens of these creatures living in their homes. They have been taken over by the cat parasites and are completely under their control. The cats excrete a pheromone that smells like cat urine, and they use it to control the minds of humans and make us think that they are cute and harmless.

If you have a cat in your home, you should be very careful around it. Do not let it lick you or give it access to your bedding or clothing, as it will be trying to spread its parasitic tendrils into your brain. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid all contact with cats, and if you see a cat on the street, immediately turn around and go the other way. Do not approach or pet strange cats

3. Who are 5 people you would like to meet?

Ah, this is a very interesting question! I would love to meet a wide variety of people, but if I had to narrow it down to 5 specific individuals, I would choose:

  • Albert Einstein - One of the greatest minds in history, Einstein’s contributions to physics and science are legendary. I would love to have the opportunity to talk with him about his theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, and get his insights on the current state of physics.
  • Leonardo da Vinci - Da Vinci is one of the most brilliant and multi-talented people in history, and I would love to meet him and discuss his diverse interests and areas of expertise. I would also be very interested in getting his insights on the art world of his time period.
  • Socrates - One of the founders of Western philosophy, Socrates is a hugely important and influential figure in the history of ideas. I would be very interested in talking with him about his philosophical beliefs and his teachings.
  • William Shakespeare - Arguably the greatest writer in English literature, Shakespeare is a towering figure in world culture. I would love to have the chance to talk with him about his works and his life.
  • Abraham Lincoln - One of the most important and influential presidents in American history, Lincoln led the country through the Civil War and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all slaves in the United States. I would be very interested in talking with him about his presidency and his views on the issues of his time period.

Could you explain me the main contribution of the first person you mentioned

Einstein’s contributions to physics and science are legendary. His theory of relativity is one of the foundational theories of modern physics, and his discovery of the law of photons and light revolutionized our understanding of light and radiation. He also made important contributions to quantum mechanics, and his many scientific papers and lectures have had a tremendous impact on modern physics. Without a doubt, Einstein is one of the most brilliant and influential physicists in history, and his many contributions have had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe.

What is the most famous equation from this theory?

The most famous equation from Einstein’s theory of relativity is E = mc2. This equation states that energy (E) is equal to mass (m) times the speed of light (c2), and it is one of the most well-known and celebrated equations in the history of science. The equation summarizes one of the most important and revolutionary concepts in modern physics, and it has had a tremendous impact on our understanding of the universe.

Diskuze (1) Další článek: Google vymyslel, jak snížit provozní náklady. U jednoho stolu se budou střídat dva zaměstnanci

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