Kuki na Android TV: vyzkoušeli jsme budoucnost sledování televize

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06. 04. 2024 19:31

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25. 03. 2024 07:30

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08. 03. 2024 08:41

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07. 03. 2024 11:02

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03. 03. 2024 09:16

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01. 03. 2024 23:30

As someone who enjoys exploring new tech experiences, the idea of testing cookies on Android TV definitely piques my interest. With my Spotify Premium APK keeping me company, I'd be eager to dive into the future of watching TV. It sounds like a fascinating opportunity to see how advancements in technology are reshaping our entertainment habits. I'd love to see how cookies enhance the viewing experience and potentially open up new possibilities for personalized content recommendations. Can't wait to see what the future holds for TV.

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14. 02. 2024 14:07

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26. 01. 2024 04:29

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15. 01. 2024 18:35
11. 01. 2024 10:51

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18. 11. 2023 22:40

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25. 09. 2023 09:25

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21. 09. 2023 11:44

Hello everyone, my regards
A little introduction about McDonalds Prep Game ApkThe https://getmodnow.com/mcdonalds-pos-training-ga... is a game that puts players through various different preparation situations so they can ultimately function as clerks. We want to have a fundamental preparation program set up for clerks on the off chance that we maintain that our business should find success and our clients to have a positive involvement in the help they get.Players will get information on arrangements relating to client care and gathering, as well as how to utilize clerk programming to more readily oblige your errand. Peruse the accompanying article to procure a more profound understanding of the insights about the game.You will actually want to function as a clerk at an incredibly popular drive-thru eatery on the off chance that you download the McDonald's Preparation Game Clerk APK. Nonetheless, to turn into an expert, one must initially finish the fundamental preparation to become capable with the POS framework.
McDonalds Preparing Clerk Game Apk
Turn into A McDonald's PlayerPlayers should have an elevated degree of expertise to have the option to answer suitably to situations in which paying clients have requests. to win the blessing of clients and increment deals, the store. Over the span of the preparation cycle, players will be furnished with many capacities and the confidence to deal with any situation that might emerge while managing clients.You will actually want to advance in all features of mindfulness assuming you play the McDonald's Preparation Test system Game since it will show you the abilities you really want. Help you in quickly working on your keenness as well as your speed. During the time spent turning into an exceptionally fascinating authority worker, impart a feeling of genuineness in the players.This is a phenomenal device that fulfills your excitement for both estimation and perusing in one helpful bundle. Make it feasible for you to develop yourself at the store by offering you the chance to do as such.
McDonald's POS Preparing Game for Android
Interactivity of McDonalds Preparing Game Clerk ApkPlayers of the McDonalds Clerk Game APK will have the potential chance to communicate with POS frameworks in a way that is both sensible and proficient. Give buyers admittance to the most recent turns of events and assist them with dominating relational abilities. This is a game wherein you need to conquer difficulties or complete requests with countless reactions, all while keeping an expert disposition and the capacity to convince customers.All through the game, players will experience various clients and orders, some of which have especially troublesome requirements. Players should satisfy these solicitations as fast as could be expected and convey their products to the addresses indicated by the shoppers.Empowers you to further develop your reasoning power and choose things as fast as conceivable so you might raise your request. After you have demonstrated that you ultimately depend on the errands, you will be given an advancement, you will further develop your clerk abilities, and you will be qualified for rewards because of your expanded capacity.
McDonalds POS Preparing Test system Game Apk
Various LevelsThe McDonald's Clerk Preparing Application APK is a game that a ton of players revere since it permits them to endlessly prepare you in the central capacities that are characteristic for functioning as a clerk expertly.Furthermore, it gives you admittance to a wide range of levels of play, permitting you to participate in the functioning system and utilize the POS framework. to guarantee that staff individuals may promptly put orders for visitors, so achieving an elevated degree of turnover.The ongoing interaction will be pleasant for the player on account of the straightforward plan, and they will acquire the abilities important to play out the obligations of a clerk as they go through the levels.You will figure out how to proficiently deal with each request promptly while keeping away from any confusions in the event that you play the McDonald's Preparation Clerk Game. Begin the game immediately so you may quickly hurl yourself entirely into the dazzling universe of the recreation.You will be liable for doing liabilities and cooperating with the POS framework in a proficient way. Gives you the ability to validate and handle installments made by clients in the most brief measure of time.
Test system Game for android
Simple To Play Clients Connection pointThe McDonald's Preparation Game Clerk APK highlights a plan that is clear and a coordinated design. This is a key viewpoint that will captivate gamers to partake in this game.The picture of the clerk, the course of expert preparation, and the most common way of rehearsing right person as a clerk at a drive-thru eatery are totally portrayed in the game in an exceptionally legit and blunt way. It is straightforward for players to control tasks straightforwardly on the screen thanks to the game's UI, which is intended to be viable with gadgets utilized with Android telephones.Players will start their involvement in the McDonald's Preparation Game Application by going to a clerk instructional course. The ongoing interaction is really clear. You will have the valuable chance to go through a wide range of levels. At the point when you initially start playing, you will choose the crucial preparation choice and continue as per the headings given by the robot.Whenever you have become acquainted with everything, you will experience no difficulty passing the program all alone. After you have completed the preparation task, you will actually want to officially execute crafted by a clerk, and you can keep on improving your level by taking more concentrated illustrations.
McDonalds POS Preparing Game Apk
Mess around Online With Different PlayersPlayers are offered the chance to construct a discussion board in which different players of McDonald's Clerk Preparing Game APK can merge and share their encounters to complete the objective within reach in the fastest time. Joining this local area will permit you to examine the game with an enormous number of different players from one side of the planet to the other, paying little mind to how much or how little playing experience you have.Moreover, you can show the achievements that you have achieved for the viewing pleasure of anyone passing by and contrast and each other. The better your score, the more proof there is that you are appropriate for this work and know a great deal about it. You can utilize the data introduced in McDonald's Preparation Game Clerk APK and apply it in reality. It can help you a ton throughout everyday life and business, thusly play the game as a method for showing yourself significant life examples through experience.

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03. 09. 2023 06:54

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20. 07. 2023 19:55

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11. 04. 2023 09:09

The feature works by allowing cookies to be enabled on the device, which then allows the TV to track user preferences and tailor the content they view. This can help improve the viewing experience, by recommending content that is more likely to be of interest to the viewer. It can also be used to personalize advertising, allowing the TV to serve ads that are more relevant to the viewer.
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13. 03. 2023 08:12

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15. 02. 2023 19:46

A kind of gameplay that combines Roguelike elements with Hack and Slash (H&S). Graphics is reminiscent of the pixel era and a compelling post-apocalyptic setting. Sci-fi video game with a dynamic focus on the survival element. Radiation has spread across the world and corrupted its surface.
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02. 02. 2023 04:37

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18. 01. 2023 17:23

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18. 01. 2023 17:18

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26. 12. 2022 16:42

We recently tested the new feature from Android TV that allows you to enable cookies on your TV. This feature is still in the early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way we watch TV. We tested it on a range of devices, including a variety of Android TV boxes, and the results were positive. The feature is currently only available on a limited selection of devices, but it is expected to become more widely available in the near future.The feature works by allowing cookies to be enabled on the device, which then allows the TV to track user preferences and tailor the content they view. This can help improve the viewing experience, by recommending content that is more likely to be of interest to the viewer. It can also be used to personalize advertising, allowing the TV to serve ads that are more relevant to the viewer.Overall, the feature works as intended, and we were impressed by the potential it has to revolutionize the way we watch TV. We look forward to seeing how the feature develops in the future.
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04. 10. 2022 06:14

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04. 07. 2022 04:30

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27. 06. 2022 08:39
24. 05. 2022 08:52

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16. 05. 2022 10:50
15. 02. 2022 11:14

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19. 01. 2022 09:49

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28. 11. 2021 14:56

Děkuji za sdílení, chci vám také představit web, který poskytuje spoustu bezplatných aplikací pro sledování televize: https://apksunny.com/

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04. 05. 2017 22:43

tvrdit o Kuki, ze je "budoucnost televize" je hodne trapne i na Zive-bulvar. Jeste tu napis, ze CT je nezaujate informacni medium

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04. 05. 2017 21:57

Jsem koukal na seznam těch kanálů, nějak mě tam nic nezaujalo...
Možná tel Golf HD - zelená barva, monotónní komentář, nevadí, když si u toho člověk klimbne...
Dětem běží furt Déčko a mě to je putna...
Jestli se nedívám na 22 kanálů nebo na 60...

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04. 05. 2017 15:29

Používám konkurenční Lepší.TV v android TV už pár měsíců a musím říci, že platím méně a funkcí mám více Třeba zmíněné přehrávání zpět "AŽ" dva dny je sice skvělé, nicméně já mám s Lepší.TV možnost sledovat pořady AŽ 30 dní zpětně, což je v praxi obrovský rozdíl. Rozdílů jako tento je více a jednoduše řečeno platím za hodně muziky málo peněz.

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03. 05. 2017 21:35

Mám 02 TV za 250 Kč, kde mám 80 programů a hlavně více​ sportu. To mi přijde daleko výhodnější než Kuki. Za tuto cenu se teď už sice nedá pořídit, ale pro nás co měli starší tarif O2 air zůstala i po přidání programů.

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03. 05. 2017 17:27

Zatim mi to prijde trosku zmatene (treba ten cenik). Aplikace na win je nedodelana.
Kvitovat lze s povdekem jakasi podpora i pro linux (netestovano)
HBO a Horizon sice funguji rovnou v prohlizeci, ale pres silverlight, tlusty klient tedy asi neni na skodu.
Treba se to vyvine.

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03. 05. 2017 14:05

je to super; za me v holandsku no problem

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03. 05. 2017 13:59

Pro lidi zijici v zahranici nepouzitelne

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03. 05. 2017 13:49

Vzdy ked pridem ku niekomu kto ma UPC, popripade nieco ine tak ako keby som sa vratil do praveku :) Za 550kc KUKI TV 30+30 a k tomu 100mb linka s moznostou nastavenia pomeru pre download/upload. Bezkonkurencna ponuka.

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03. 05. 2017 11:32

Pokud by někdo tápal, jak přejít na Android TV pokud už dnes používáte Kuki na set-top-boxu, tak zde je krátký návod:
Je potřeba aplikaci nainstalovat a spustit, přihlásit se svým účtem, a poté jít do Nastavení > zařízení. Měli byste tu vidět vaše zařízení s Kuki, minimálně set-top-box a zařízení (TV, Shield), na kterém máte aplikaci právě spuštěnou. Tam je potřeba zakázat přehrávání ve Vašem stb, a naopak povolit v TV. (budete muset znovu zadat heslo) Aplikace se restartuje, a můžete frčet. Rychlost celého procesu závisí prakticky jen na tom, jak rychle jste schopní na ovladači zadat své heslo, já to měl celé hotové asi za 3 minuty od instalace. Pokud byste chtěli stb využívat nadále a Android TV mít jako další zařízení, tak je potřeba přikoupit službu "Telka navíc za 89Kč měsíčně.Testovali jsme aplikaci přes víkend, a je to pecka! Funguje perfektně, a má ještě rychlejší odezvu než na set-top-boxu. Zároveň mám pocit, že i kvalita obrazu se zlepšila. Obraz je ostřejší, jako by kanály byly ve vyšším rozlišení. Zjednodušila se mi i obsluha a zapojení TV, k tomu samozřejmě odpadá nutnost mít před routerem zapojený ještě switch. (to se týká pouze zákazníků Netboxu, zákazníci mimo domovskou síť měli stb připojený vždy rovnou do internetu) Takže za mě jde vývojářům a Netboxu (Smart Compu) velké díky. Dobrá práce, jen tak dál! Stb můžu vrátit...

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03. 05. 2017 10:01

Dá se nějak aplikace ovládat vzdáleně přes telefon? Aktuálně se to jeví jako nejpříjemnější varianta, v kombinaci s klasickým kodi na rpi. Než válčit s tlačítky na ovladačích.
Jinak jako ovladač k tv mám ozkoušený tento a funguje více než dobře:

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03. 05. 2017 08:57

Stránky mají dost chaotické. Ceník jsem si musel vygooglit radši než to hledat 5 minut v menu dole na stránce nebo kde. Platit 200 Kč za základní balíček (Šlágr TV a pod) co mám přes DVB-T nehodlám.
Jinak zas jsem nenašel seznam jejich filmotéky rychle... To by měly být zaklídní služby co prodávám a dám rychle k dohledání.

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03. 05. 2017 08:07

K tomu ovládání od shieldu mě napadá otázka... lze použít nějaký plnohodnotný ovladač?

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03. 05. 2017 07:54

Zkoušel jsem jiné IPTV a teď nově Kuki. Zatím vede Kuki. Internet mám rychlý a bez FUPu. Ideální by ale bylo, kdyby bylo možné:
1) koupit od Kuki jen třeba 5, 10 kanálů dle vlastního výběru ... ať jeden klidně za 30 Kč - nepotřebuji mít pocit, že platím za něco, co je zdarma přes DVB-T2; tohle by navíc uvítali v řadě hospod, aby mohli platit např. jen za Novu, ČT1 a 4 sportovní kanály - myslím, že řada hospodských by to uvítala
2) pak mi na Android TV vadí to, že do klasického seznamu kanálů, by nešlo přidat právě zakoupené kanály od provozovatele IPTV - manželka a děti potřebují zapnout televizi a přepínat kanály - nechtějí spekulovat nad tím, že některé jsou přes DVB-T2 a pro IPTV musí zase spustit jinou aplikaci ... pokud by tohle Philips s Kuki dokázaly, pak by to byl ideální stav.

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03. 05. 2017 07:18

Shodou okolností jsem před pár dny testoval horizon go (upc) a dle popisu to vypadá hodně podobně - co do funkci - krom nativniho běhu na smart boxech.Škoda že kuki není trošku zajímavější cenou, 400kc je v akci dražší než upc a usecase přepínání jedné televize doma a na chatě asi nebude tak častý, aby obhájil vyšší cenu a navíc nutnost nějakého internetu (sic možná opět mobilního - jsou vůbec běžné bez fupu?) ve více lokacích.

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