AMD má 22% podíl na trhu x86 serverů

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Kuca  |  26. 04. 2006 13:00

Amd rulezzz!!!!

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n00b  |  26. 04. 2006 13:54

Jejda, zrovna ty do roka budeš vykřikovat Intel rocks! .P

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Radek.Hulán  |  26. 04. 2006 17:10

Takovéto blbečky miluju. AMD na Intel dnes zcela objektivně absolutně nemá. Za 5.000 Kč + DPH si můžu u Intelu koupit dualcore Intel D930 (3.0GHz) přetaktovatelné na 4.5GHz, díky 65nm s velice rozumnou spotřebou. AMD mi za ty samé peníze nabídne jen singlecore sračku Venice 3500+, přetaktovatelnou na cca 2.6GHz. Pro pracovní použití bude Intel 2x rychlejší než AMD, na hry to je +/- plichta. Závěr? AMD si *dnes* kupuje jen zaostalý idiot..

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koffr, koffr  |  26. 04. 2006 17:14

LOL, di psat radsi o politice, to se alespon da od tebe cist!

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sigterm  |  26. 04. 2006 19:20

pracovni pouziti? hulan skoruje, chachá!!!

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tomik  |  26. 04. 2006 19:21

Blbečky jako jste vy nesnáším. Neexistuje jedna cena jedna frekvence a jeden typ jádra podle kterého by bylo možné říct jestli je výhodnější Intel nebo AMD.
Proč zrovna 5000,-?
Pokud mi bude stačit levný ale plnohodnotný procesor, můžu si koupit AMD 64 3000+ BOX za necelé 3000,-. Pro mě jako pro programátora je to naprosto vyhovující.
Pokud budu chtít něco výkonnějšího, koupím si buď AMD Athlon 64 4000+ BOX za necelých 8500,-, což je něco co Intel v jednom jádře vůbec nenabízí, nebo AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ za něco málo přes 7500,- což je defacto 2x3500+.
Není problém AMD, že vůbec nenabízí tak slabé dvoujádro jako Intel.
Není ani problém toho kdo se rozhodne pro AMD, že mu imbecil vašeho ražení nadává.

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Radek Novák  |  26. 04. 2006 20:08

Protože už nebyl žádný důvod, ale ani žádná značka kvality mít v PC Intel, spíš to byla ostuda a příznak hlouposti těch, kteří dají více peněz za běžný výkon. A mimochodem, CRAY opustil proc. Intel a přešel na procesory AMD ...

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Jakub Hegenbart  |  26. 04. 2006 21:16

Ty jsi písíčkář, viď? A slyšel jsi už taky o jiných počítačích?

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koffr, koffr  |  26. 04. 2006 11:53

Pro servery tu mame mnohokrat lepsi procesory nez ty od AMD. A urcite to nejsou ty od Intelu

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jaja  |  26. 04. 2006 14:21

mnojo ale kdo to ma platit

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peto  |  26. 04. 2006 14:53

Co si mal na mysli

K7/K8 su potomkovia DEC Alpha AXP 21164PC, kde AMD robilo decoder, pricom dava z troch sefvyvojarov architektury Alpha su u AMD

na K8L robi team co robil UltraSPARC IV, cast teamu UltraSPARC T1 (dodal ho pre K8L a K10 Samotny Sun)a team-y co robili Power 4 a Cell(toho len mala cast), sefdesigner power 4 je u AMD ako Chief Technology Officer

s tych lepsi je tam este PA-RISC, sef designer StrongARM je u AMD a ten robil tiez MIPS . Z takych tych masovejsich architektur tu chyba len Z80, MOS 6502 a Motorola 68000
Cray prechadza na Opteron only...

Takze neviem, co mas na mysli, kedze AMD chce naucit Alpha-u moresom buducnosti, za ktoru oznacili Cell like architektury, a ostatnych architektur(nie vsetky su server)

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koffr, koffr  |  26. 04. 2006 17:17

budoucnost ma niagara se 64 vlakny na 65nm, mozna jeste cell, a ze k7/8 sou potomci alphy je asi jako ze intelovsky prociky jsou potomci amd80287

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peto  |  27. 04. 2006 11:12

Argumenty su

21164PC 2x int,2 x fpu, Fatch decode and branch unit
We can mention :

* 3 x86 decoding units
* 3 integer units (ALU)
* 3 floating point units (FPU)
* A 128KB L1 cache
AMD sefvyvojari
Senior Team Members

AMD SENIOR FELLOW, Former Chief Engineer of PowerPC 601 and Power4:
I came to AMD after spending two years doing research into technology scalable computer architecture at UT-Austin. Prior to that, I was a distinguished engineer at IBM in Austin where I was the chief engineer on the Power4 chip. For me, AMD represents a dedicated team of people committed to bringing the right "common sense" products to market. The technology developed at AMD is clearly some of the best in the industry, and I believe that AMD will grow rapidly because of this. I am leading a next generation design, and look forward to extending this lead.

AMD CORPORATE FELLOW, Former IBM Fellow, and Chief Architect of Power, PowerPC, xSeries 440,445, and CTO of Newisys:
I came to AMD after 5 years at Newisys building enterprise class Opteron based servers and scalable Opteron servers and 30 years at IBM - mostly at Watson Research - working on many architecture innovations from the 801 (first RISC machine) to the large scale scalable x86 systems. I was appointed and IBM Fellow in 1994. I view AMD as the next logical step in my career, where I now have the opportunity to help set the direction for future of industry standard servers as AMD takes Opteron to the next level. I have found my job and AMD to be a very exciting place to work, full of very talented people, all of us working to change the server landscape.

AMD FELLOW, Former Chief Architect of UltraSparc III:
After leading the UltraSparc III architecture for seven years I spent a couple of years in Sun Laboratories working on the system architecture for a DARPA Peta-scale supercomputer. I was attracted to AMD by their bold move in defining the AMD64 instruction set and then delivering an impressive implementation of the ISA in the form of the Opteron processors. When I talked to the impressive team of talent that AMD assembled to design their processors I was convinced that this was a team I had to be part of and that would change the future of microprocessors.

AMD CORPORATE FELLOW, Former Lead Architect of Alpha Architecture:
Alchemy, the startup where I was CTO, was acquired by AMD in Feb, 2002. Previously, I had major technical roles on development of VAX, Alpha, ARM architectures and microprocessors. I am currently leading mobile systems team for AMD and am excited about the future generations of mobile design where AMD can bring real value and battery life leadership to Windows based mobile systems. For me the AMD vision of providing value to the customer, which is what the customer wants and needs, versus the "current trend of the year" is very rewarding. The MTS technical ladder at AMD goes up to Corporate Fellow which is the equiv. of a Corp VP. This shows that AMD values and rewards Sr. technical contributors without having to branch into management.,,51_82_13175_13439%5e13184,00.html

Dirk Meyer

President and Chief Operating Officer

Prior to AMD, Meyer spent nearly a decade at Digital Equipment Corporation, where he was co-architect of the Alpha 21064 and 21264 microprocessors. In addition to his tenures at AMD and Digital, Meyer has also worked for Intel Corporation and has been involved in the design of x86, Alpha™, VAX, and embedded processors.
Meyer joined AMD in 1995 and in 1996 was promoted to director of engineering for the AMD Athlon™ microprocessor development program in Austin, Texas,,51_52_570_11573,00.html


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peto  |  26. 04. 2006 09:29

lebo to moze byt zasadeny rozdiel

AMD targets 50% of 4P server share
AMD has set its own goals in the enterprise market. The company is targeting 50% of the 4P server market in 2006, which is a relatively achievable thing to do. You see, the company currently enjoys 40% market share in that segment. Globally, the goal is to break 20% of overall server market.

a kedze prve cislo z modelovbeho cisla Opteronu je max. pocet CPU v systeme, bez podpory multiprocesingu v chipset-e je jasne, ze najpredavanie su nadrazhsie 8xx
Intel-u je to komplikovanejsie
Xeon je kokurencia pre 1xx a 2xx Xeon MP a Itanium pre 8xx

Ak by platilo, ze maju 10% v pocet serverov a 20% v pocet CPU, ako to vyzera v clanku tak predavaju predovsetkym CPU pre viac porocesorove masiny ako Intel. A to by bolo celkom prekavapive, kedze prvy Intel x86 Server CPU je z roku 1996 a u AMD je to rok 2001 a prvy realne server CPU 22.4.2003 to Opteron, vtedy malo AMD na trhu server CPU <0.2%

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michal  |  26. 04. 2006 08:50

Mala poznamka na okraj. Narust trzniho podilu z 16,4% na 22,1% je narust o 5,7 procentniho bodu, ale pro AMD to byl narust o 34,8% (nikoliv pouhych 5,7%).

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